PADI Specialty Courses
Ice Diver

The Ice Diving Specialty Course is about the most adventurous specialty course that PADI offers. Being able to ice dive puts you in a very small group of divers who have had the same experience. Once others find out that you have dived under the ice, be ready for the questions to keep on coming. Some of the things that you will be covering in this course are:
Using specialized ice diving equipment
Preparation of an ice dive site
Safe ice diving practicies and techniques
Tender and safety diver responsibilities
Cold weather equipment issues.
You will need to be 18 years of age by the start date of the course and have the Advanced Diver course completed.
Course Fee: $295
How Do I Start:
Contact MSD and let us put you on the ice diver sign-up sheet. We run this class once per year on a weekend in March. The date will vary depending on snow and ice conditions.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver; At least 18 years old